
Carwash Carwash

This week I took my car through the carwash. Good lord it was dirty. There’s been a ton of rain lately and my car was just a mess. I go to this local carwash which sends your car through the wash on a conveyor while you’re riding inside. I’m sure you have seen these type…

Read More The Carwash

How do you feel today? Do you feel strange? Do you feel stressed? Do you feel angry? Do you feel dejected, depressed, denied? Do you feel exasperated? Do you feel tired, exhuasted, run-down? Believe me I know. I’ve been there. I sometimes go to bed tired and wake up tired. I get mad. I get…

Read More Why You Do What You Do?

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So it’s been crazy rainy here the last several days. And not only does the rain add to the gloom, but the dreariness causes just a general blah to come over me. I’m sure there’s some science around this. Perhaps vitamin deficiencies or maybe something else. But whatever the cause, I just know I feel…

Read More Always There

It’s Friday. You wake up, you feel motivated to get through the day cause you know this afternoon you will have reached the weekend. What is it about the weekend that draws us to hurry through the week? Is it the fact you get to drink coffee from a real mug vs. a travel mug?…

Read More Weekend

Summer is almost here. And that means heat and humidity here in the south where I live. But that also means bugs. Big bugs, little bugs, bugs everywhere and all the time. Especially on your car. If you travel at night or in the early morning in the summer in the south, you’re almost certain…

Read More Clean the Windshield

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Perhaps what we are going through is just what we need to determine the best for our lives. I know what you’re thinking, “Really? How could anything bad be good?” And sometimes I think, “why is this happening to me?” But maybe things that are undesirable in your life are being rooted out or trimmed…

Read More Kill It to Grow