Summer is almost here. And that means heat and humidity here in the south where I live. But that also means bugs. Big bugs, little bugs, bugs everywhere and all the time. Especially on your car. If you travel at night or in the early morning in the summer in the south, you’re almost certain to get a shallacking of bug guts on your windshield. Yes that’s gross, I know. But it has to be cleaned. Like scrubbed to get it clean. But have you noticed what a clean windshield looks like after you’ve been driving around with a dirty one? It’s so clear. You can see so much. The cloudiness is lifted. Things are crisp and so much more visible.
Isn’t life kinda like this? We go through life getting shallacked by work, by relationships, by bills, by stuff. We feel dejected. We feel depressed. We feel alone. We feel dirty. Yet we keep fighting. We clean it. We see the mess for what it is and work to make it right. And once we do, we see so much better. We see where we’ve been and what we’ve gone through. And there’s so much power in this. To know you’ve been hit with some bugs and to have them cleaned from your view. That’s so awesome!!
So what kind of bugs do you have on your windshield? How are you cleaning it? What are you doing about it? I bet if you do a little cleaning and scrubbing you will see so much better!