Today is Sunday. We think we must rest at the end of the week. We think Sunday is naturally a day of rest since we’ve worked an entire week and now we need rest. We run and run and run and work to almost the brink of burn out and then we feel we need recovery. So we work for the weekend. Even the 80’s Canadian rock band Loverboy sings about how everybody’s working for the weekend. Ha. But what if we flipped this script? What if we flipped these lyrics? What if we worked FROM rest instead of towards recovery? Most Judeo-Christian Westerners believe Sunday is made for rest because of what the bible says. That God rested on the 7th day. That Moses was given the law from God for us to remember the Sabbath. It was a law. A mandate for jewish belief. One of the commandments between our instructions for God and our instructions for each other. However, think about this – God made man on the 6th day and then rested on the 7th. Wait for it!! So really man’s first full day was one of rest – and not just any day of resting but resting with God. Wow!! Let me say that again – man’s first day was resting with God. This completely changes my perspective. The idea as rest that we work FROM is evident in the very beginning of the bible. How cool is this? How awesome is this? Leave it to the bible to give us undeniable instruction on something inconceivably low key as rest. So if you were to think differently about rest what would you do? How would you make your rest and relaxation the basis of starting your week and your day? What will you do to flip the script on rest?